The Solution

The solution is the TelOProtect® system. Efficient, convenient and cheap, it allows you to use your cell phone any which way you want without worrying about its impact on your health and the health and safety of your loved ones.

All right, but what is it exactly?

The TelOProtect® system protects cell phone users from physical harm caused by the pulsed electromagnetic waves emitted by their mobile, especially with regard to their brain. This system comes shaped like a flat pill (in fact it contains a complex electronics chip) that one sticks to the back of one's cell phone (as close as possible to the antenna).

Easy to use

The latest advances in the electronic chips industry have led to a reduction of the size of this protection to 17mm (0.7"), which makes it easy to install on the smallest cell phones currently on the market, including Bluetooth-enabled ear pieces. For an optimum result, TelOProtect® needs to be placed as close as possible to the antenna (if the antenna doesn't show on your cell phone, be sure to look up your user guide to find out where it is located inside). With its small size and designer look, the TelOProtect® system is unobstructive and easy to stick to your cell phone.

How does it work?

As soon as your cell phone is turned on, it starts emitting pulsed electromagnetic waves, looking for the closest relay tower, and signals from the closest tower are beamed back. The TelOProtect® system reacts instantly to these signals by generating a counter-phase resonance that eliminates the harmful biological impact caused by the pulsed transmissions on all cells (particularly on the cell phone user's brain cells). In practical terms, what that means is that the TelOProtect® system erects a barrier between your cell phone and your brains, thus protecting the latter without adversely impacting the quality of transmissions (see picture at right).


The TelOProtect® system's effectiveness has been tested in several international research centers which demonstrated its ability to eliminate the biological impact of harmful waves, as illustrated in the two graphs below. The left graph shows that without TelOProtect®, using a cell phone triggers an important disturbance in brain waves pattern, while with TelOPOrotect®, the disturbance is minimal (right graph).


Axis of the brain

Another experiment showed that without protection from TelOProtect®, the waves emitted by a cell phone cause a notable deviation of the axis of he brain (see left picture below, where the area in green represents a cell phone), whereas with TelOProtect®, no deviation is found (right picture).


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