Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do cell phones really emit harmful waves?

The scientific world is divided over the issue of whether these waves are harmful and to which degree, but one thing is certain: cell phones do emit AND receive continuously pulsed electromagnetic signals transmitted by relay antennas, even if on stand-by mode. That's what makes it possible for anyone to talk anywhere at any time. It's only when a cell phone is completely turned off that it stops emitting or receiving signals.

Is the problem the same everywhere?

No, it depends on the distance between the cell phone that is being used and the closest relay tower. The farther away the two are from each other, the stronger the signal needs to be, and vice-versa. There are also situations that are more risky for cell phone users than others. For example, it is better not to use a cell phone inside a car or an elevator because the cell phone then needs to emit and receive stronger signals, which are potentially more harmful, in order to keep the communication going into what can be compared to a Faraday cage.

Does this mean that we're all doomed to get sick in due time?

Not necessarily. Every person has a different metabolism that allows it to deal with outside aggressions. And for reasons that are not quite clear yet, some people are very affected by the waves emitted by their cell phones, while others are not bothered at all (or at least appear not to be). This is very similar to what happened with tobacco. Tobacco doesn't necessarily kill all smokers, but the majority are affected one way or another. The results are that some develop higher sensitivity to some illnesses, while others suffer more acutely from either pre-existing or latent illnesses.

More specifically then, what are the illnesses that can be attributed to cell phone?

     It's been already established that they cause headaches to many people, as well as sleep disorders and changes in intellectual capabilities and behavior.
     There is a strong probability that they can increase risks of neuro-degenerative diseases, miscarriages or anomalies in ovaries or testicles.
     It is possible that they can increase the risk of brain tumors and child leukemia.

What are we to do then?

There aren't too many options. Taking it for granted that it is nearly impossible today for most people to live without their cell phone, we have only two choices. We either take all necessary measures to use it only in case of emergency and if there is no other solution, or we add to it a protection system like TelOProtect®, which protects cell phone users from the harmful impact of the electronic signals they emit.

How can such a small piece of equipment as TelOProtect® give that kind of protection?

We're not talking here about just any type of equipment. Even though it just looks like a large pill, it contains a sophisticated electronic chip that can instantly detect the type of signals emitted or received by the cell phone on which it it installed. Once it has analyzed that signal, it immediately reacts to it by emitting a corresponding signal in counter-phase, thus eliminating its harmful impact and making the use of the cell phone safe for its user.

I don't understand any of this. What is a counter-phase signal?

Let's take the example of noise-cancelling headphones available today which create a zone of silence for the person using them. This feat is possible because the earphones operate on the same principle as TelOProtect®: they contain tiny microphones which analyse instantly the sounds coming from outside and generate in reaction counter-phase sounds, i.e. sounds with a wavelength that is just slightly off than that of the original sounds, which results in mutual cancellation... and therefore silence. The mechanism is the same for TelOProtect®, except that its system cancels out harmful waves instead of sounds, which results in protecting a cell phone user's brains, as illustrated on our home page.

All right, but then how long does TelOProtect® remain effective?

It is guaranteed to operate 5 years, which is far longer than most people use their cell phone as they change models or upgrade every two years at the latest.

Can I transfer a TelOProtect® from an old cell phone model to a new one?

That is possible in theory. In practice, it is less certain because the TelOProtect® “pill” which contains the protection system must be taken off the cell phone it's on very carefully before being stuck to the new phone. If the slightest damage is caused in the process to the electronic chip it contains, it is going to be rendered useless. It is more convenient and safer to order a new TelOProtect®, even it costs a little bit more.

When I use my cell phone, I feel heat in my head. Why is that?

Because the type of waves that come off of your cell phone belong to the microwave family (yes, the same one as your microwave oven), and therefore they heat the water found in your tissues from the inside out instead of other heating systems that do it from the outside in. Feeling heat is due to the fact that the increase in temperature is only perceived by the skin at face level, even if the “cooking” itself, so to speak, takes place in the brain. It's a signal that not all users feel the same way, but any person who does should stop using the cell phone right away.

Isn't using an earphone another solution?

Only partly so. Using an earphone does reduce the dosage of waves received by the brain 10 to 20 times, which is definitely an improvement, but it does not eliminate altogether the harmfulness of these waves. It is therefore still recommended that usage be kept at a minimum.

Can I talk as much as I want if I use earphones?

No. Even if you're using an earphone, you shouldn't exceed 3 minutes of conversation, and it is additionally recommended that you wait 1 hour between two calls.

Why such a wait time?

Because it's been established that beyond 3 minutes, electromagnetic waves lead to a weakening of the hemato-encephalographic barrier, i.e. the natural barrier that exists between blood and brain to protect the brain against pathogenic infections and poisons such as heavy metals and aluminum (the latter being strongly suspected of playing a role in the appearance of Alzheimer in increasingly younger patients). One also needs to take one hour off between two calls because the presence of microwaves trigger the manufacture of proteins (the so-called “stress proteins”), which take a long time to disappear after the body has been exposed to these waves.

Can you give a simple summary of these mechanisms?

Micro-waves cause changes in the proteins of a cell's membrane, which in turn cause a signal that leads to changes in internal calcium levels, followed by activation of enzymes and creation of stress proteins. Enzymes will activate chain reactions and, if the signal is maintained, the stress proteins will block several manufacturing processes within the cell itself, including for instance messengers between brain cells (neuromediators), all of which results in an alteration of normal brain activities.

What about a wi-fi earpiece (Bluetooth)?

Especially not! What such a piece does is add yet another electromagnetic field with another source of radio frequencies.

Is is true that no scientific study so far has shown the harmful effects of cell phones?

That's not true. To date, thousands of scientific studies and experiments have been conducted to figure out whether cell phone usage is harmful to users' health. A certain number of them have reached the conclusion that no link can be established for sure between the two, but on the other hand a sizeable percentage of other studies have reached conclusions that are worrisome enough that they concluded by urging that additional studies be conducted and suggest that in the meantime users show at least cautiousness in how they use their cell phones.

What happens when I'm next to someone who's talking on his cell phone?

Experiments have shown that there could be a harmful impact on the brains of people who stand up to 6 feet from a cell phone communication. In a way that is very similar to what happened with smokers polluting non-smokers' lungs, today we face electromagnetic pollution from cell phone users putting non-users in their immediate vicinity at risk. As many people tell smokers today, don't be afraid to tell them to go pollute somewhere else or to turn it off.

What is the best age to start letting kids use a cell phone?

As late as possible. Ignore their pleas and don't buy them one, if anything for the following reason: the brain and the cranium of children are in development, and are therefore more fragile that those of adults. As a result, it is more risky for them to use a cell phone next to them or to let them use one as they wish. This is particularly true for teen-agers who seem to spend a lot of time talking with their friends. It is by far preferable to not let them use a cell phone, except for emergencies.

My kids often play with my cell phone, but they're too young to know how to use it, so they're not at risk, right?

Only if your cell phone is completely turned off. A cell phone that remains on stand-by keeps communicating at regular intervals with the closest cell tower, and your kids are therefore exposed to these signals. The best thing to do is to remember that a cell phone is not a toy, and that it is consequently better to keep it away from your children.

How are reproductive organs affected?

Reproductive organs (ovaries and testicles) contain some of the human cells that are the most sensitive to pulsed electromagnetic radiation coming off of cell phones. They can be compared to a microwave ovens that “cook” spermatozoids and alter their fertilizationt. Many young men today have a difficult time becoming fathers because of the impact of the cell phone they carry in their pants pocket or on their belt.

If you have other questions for which you find no answer on this page, write us through our contact form. And if your question is of interest to everyone, we'll add it here.

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