Cancer Docs Warn Staff Of Cell Phone Risks July 23, 2008 CBS News, (3 minutes, 9 seconds)
Mobile phones - a danger to health? November 30, 2007 20/20 ABC, (9 minutes, 31 seconds)
Public Exposure: DNA, Democracy, and the Wireless Revolution. Learn how cell phones are impacting our health - Part I November 26, 2007 Council on Wireless Technology Impacts (CWTI). (30 minutes, 14 seconds)
Public Exposure: DNA, Democracy, and the Wireless Revolution. Learn how cell phones are impacting our health - Part II December 4, 2007 Council on Wireless Technology Impacts (CWTI). (28 minutes, 54 seconds)
Cell phones, what they don't want you to see Australia - April 03, 2007 (6 minutes, 35 seconds)
Interview with Dr. Carlo Campbell Live, TV3, Toronto, Ontario - November 26, 2006 (5 minutes, 50 seconds)
Cell Phone War Has the truth about cell phones been buried by the industry, health officials and governments? - 1999 (5 minutes, 32 seconds)
Electromagnetic Radiation with Louis Slesin Enviro Closeup - 1997 (9 minutes, 55 seconds)