Protect yourself from the harmful impact of cell phones
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Without TelOProtect®


With TelOProtect®


Cells phones everywhere

By 2008, half of the world population will own a cell phone. This means more than 3 billion people! Eventually, the total number of cell phones will probably exceed 6 billion since more and more people own two or more sets rather than just one (in Hong Kong for instance, the penetration rate is already above 130%). In other words, the cell phone has become a truly universal phenomenon. Its success is due to a combination of factors: among others, they are cheap, small (therefore easy to carry around), include large memories to stock all the information we need every day, quasi-universal access, etc. It is already obvious that for several billion people, their cell phone is part and parcel of their every day life, changing habits and mores to such a degree that no one is prepared to live without it.

Impact on health

There is however one aspect of cell phone use that remains stubbornly unresolved so far, i.e. the impact it might very well on users' health. Since it became a mass market item less than 20 years ago, the controversy has not abated. Studies after studies have reached diametrically opposed conclusions (see our bibliography), leaving the average user not knowing who to believe, let alone trust. As a result, the public is divided between some who are convinced that using their cell phone does not carry any risk, and many others who are either more cautious or more worried, remembering that history is filled with inventions initially considered as harmless but which proved later to be dangerous, if not lethal.

Rise of the “electro-sensitive”

An increasing number of users are positive that they have become “electro-sensitive”, i.e. they can feel, without the help of any mechanical device, and whether they like it or not, the radiation waves pulsed from their cell phones (and many other sources as well), to the point of being seriously affected and in some cases even get sick. The existence of such a group (whose numbers are growing constantly) indicates that something serious is going on, and that it would be a good idea to pay attention to what they are describing is happening to them.

Insurance companies leave the field

To top it all, some of the largest re-insurance companies (followed as a result by many insurance companies) have decided without any qualms that they would not insure any more mobile telephone companies for civil damage resulting from exposure to electromagnetic fields. This should give everyone pause: if insurance companies pull out of an apparently very lucrative field, it must be for a good reason. The only problem is that they have not provided any explanation for their decision, leaving the public free to draw their own conclusions

What is one to do?

There are a number of indirect precautions that one can take to limit their exposure to radiation emitted by their cell phone. But for those for whom letting go of their favorite toy is not an option and who want a more direct solution, a simple and effective product that eliminates the harmful radiation coming off of it has just been launched: the TelOProtect® system.

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